Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Rise of Google [Infographic]

Did you know that Google raked in $50 billion in 2012? It has come a long way its early days, back when it was known as BackRub. Despite using a lot of GoogleĆ¢€™s products like Google the search engine, Android OS, Gmail, Youtube and Waze, and being fascinated by its many mergers and adventurous acquisitions, we know little of the tech giant.

Well, surveycrest.com has produced an infographic dedicated to charting the rise of google 15 years it has been around. Here you will find GoogleĆ¢€™s algorithm evolution, its brand value (in the billions), how it fairs against the other tech brands in the Top 10 list, etc.

Just goes to show that whether you love Google for its full range of apps, products and services or hate them for monopolizing your online world so much, Google is here to stay.

(Credit to Kelvin Stiles for the tip.)

Author: Hongkiat.com

This post is published by a Hongkiat.com staff (editors, interns, sometimes Hongkiat Lim himself) or a guest contributor.

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